Fourth Devlog

Hi everyone this is 360 Studios with a new update!!

We are happy to announce the next changes (most of them about gameplay):

- Zoom: There wasn´t to much space beetween the players and the ball was too big, so we decided to make the scenery bigger.

- Goal: We put a goal on each side which is constantly moving, currently we have no texture and there still no way to score, so there´s no scoreboard.

- Ball physics; The biggest bug we had have been fixed, about the ball that disapeared when it was hitten through the wall by the bee.

- Floor: Our promise about a floorless game was accomplished, so if the ball goes down it will inmediatly appear up,  and viceversa.

- Background: We changed the background.

See you soon, we hope you like this new update ;)


Footy Bees by 360Studios.exe 39 MB
Oct 16, 2022

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